The 2023 competition has come to a close, we would like to thank all entries and congratulate Raph Harvey for winning the competition. Raph will perform his concerto with NSWS in 2024. Details for 2024 competition will be posted here and shared via social media when finalised.

Please read the details below, fill out the entry form, and pay the entry fee to complete your application.
Applications open to NSWS members from April 30th 2023, and to non-members from May 15th 2023. All entries close June 30th 2023.
The entry fee for NSWS members is $25 and for non-members is $50. These funds are directly contributed to the concerto competition and NSWS. This should be paid to NSWS directly, including a description that is firstname_lastname_concerto. Account details are as follows. Name: North Shore Wind Symphony BSB: 062-181 Account Number: 10899979. If you have any questions or concerns about payment, please email [email protected].
Requirements: The entrant’s chosen piece must be a concerto, movement/s from a concerto, or long form solo with accompaniment, this must have concert band accompaniment. The entrant’s full performance must be no longer than ~30 minutes and be an instrumental or vocal solo (ie. no duets, quartets etc).
First round 19 August, 2023: Entries will play a 10 minute section/selection from their chosen piece to an adjudicator. If desired, entrants can provide their own piano accompanist for this round.
Finals: Six finalists will perform one movement or long section of their chosen piece at a Finalist’s Concert at Barker College (date TBA) to an adjudicator. A piano accompanist will be provided for this concert if needed.
Winner: The winner of the NSWS Concerto Competition will receive a prize of $500 and will be invited to perform their chosen piece with North Shore Wind Symphony at a future concert.
Please note that the finalists of the competition must be available for the Finalist’s Concert, as this date is yet to be confirmed, we will do our best to find a date that accommodates both our band members and finalists.
We encourage applications from of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds, and experience levels.