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2025 Information & Members Survey

I hope that you have all had a great 2024 and summer holidays. This is a long email, which contains a lot of important information for this year! Please ensure that you read through and also complete the members survey before our first rehearsal this year.

Firstly, this year will be REALLY exciting, because it is the North Shore Wind Symphony’s 10th Birthday!!! What a great year to come along and enjoy the festivities, as we celebrate our amazing community. More on this in the coming months, for now, let’s get into the rundown of 2025….

2025 Committee:

Big thanks to the outgoing 2024 committee for all their hard work, including ongoing handover. 

Congratulations to the incoming 2025 Committee: Band Manager – Linda Mitchell; Treasurer – Andrew Powell; Librarian – Hugo Fahey; Secretary – Angus Hawken; Personnel and Social Manager – Eleanor Brimblecombe; Marketing Manager – River Kim; General Committee – Amy Bowyer, Warwick Edwards, Amy Fox, Katherine Howarth, Kaleah Balcomb. Andrew McWade will continue as our Musical Director.

2025 Section Leaders:

Flutes – Marcus Paxton; Clarinets – Emma Robinson; Saxophones – River Kim; Double Reeds – Adrienne Hanslow; Trumpets – Warwick Edwards; Horns – Kaleah Balcomb; Lower Brass – Amy Bowyer; Percussion – Liam Mulligan. 

2025 Key Proposed Dates: 

Program 1: Conservatorium of Music Concert
: Sunday 09/02/25 – 05/04/25.
Workshop Rehearsal: 02/03/25 2-6pm Boyce Hall
Concert: From 6pm 05/04/25, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Verbrugghen Hall.
Social Events: After rehearsal on 09/02/25 and post concert 5/04/25, details to come. All social events are optional.

Program 2: States and Pre-States Concert
Sunday 04/05/25 – 24/08/25, with the exceptions of Mothers day (11/05/25), King’s Birthday long weekend (08/06/24), and Barker school holidays (28/06/25 – 21/07/25).
Pre-States Concert: TBC mid-August at Barker College
State Band Championships: Registration opens early 2025, ensemble times yet to be allocated, the program will run across the weekend of 22-24/08/24.

Program 3: Community Concert
Rehearsals (TBC): Early September – late November, with the exception of Father’s Day (07/09/25) and Barker school holidays (27/09/25 – 12/10/25).
Concert: Date and venue TBC, like 22/23 or 29/30th November weekend.

Rehearsals will continue to run from 4pm at Barker on Sundays. Please ensure that you have arrived by 3:45pm for the 4pm start. So that Andrew can effectively plan our rehearsals, if you are unable to attend, please ensure that you have notified your section leader and have filled out the form on the members section of the website as early as possible. Preferably at least a week in advance if you can. The members portal is also where you can access practice parts when they are available for 2025. You can access the portal here, the password is nsws. 

Chamber Groups:
If you are interested in exploring a Chamber Group for 2025 within in NSWS, or have an existing group that would like to work with us, please reach out to Eleanor Brimblecombe as she will be the point of contact for these groups as the Personnel Manager.

Band Fees Structure
Fees will retain the same structure as for 2024, with the following two options:

Option 1: Pay for the year upfront, this is $220 and covers the three programs. This includes a small discount for the commitment.
Option 2: Pay by program – this is $80 three times a year, at the start of each program.
Notes: If anyone is financially unable to commit to fees or has any questions, please reach out to our treasurer, Andrew Powell. Band fees will be sent out via email in week three of the season, and followed-up in week seven. For transparency, the committee also has a reduced rate of 50% of band fees from the year (total of $110) as a thank you for their time. 

Members Survey:
Please complete this survey before our first rehearsal, this helps us to get an accurate picture of our ensemble for 2024.
> Click here to complete the survey <

Band Manager Contact Details:
Facebook Messenger: Linda Mitchell
Band Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0448411825

If you have any questions regarding the above, please reach out to myself or anyone in the committee. Kind regards,