Hold onto you hats, below is an information BLAST! We only have 2 full rehearsals left before our states concert. This weekend Sax section you are on break duty.
On the 21st of August we will be holding a concert in Leslie Hall. Please come to rehearsal as normal at 4pm in concert blacks and we will throw open the doors for a free concert of our full states program at 5.30pm. Once the Facebook event is out please invite your mates.
On August 27th we will be making our way out to Penrith for the NSW State Band Competition. Please ensure you wear concert blacks and organize your own transport out to Penrith (to the Joan https://www.thejoan.com.au/). If you have transport concerns please chat to your section this weekend to try to coordinate lifts and if you are still in a pickle please reach out to the committee. Call Time will be 3.30pm. Only registered players can perform so please reach out to Emma (Clarinet) if you are unsure if you are registered.

We have also confirmed our final project of the year will be for an ABODA event on 27th of November. Please mark the project 4 dates in your diary. Most importantly we have locked in our AGM date to be after rehearsal on the 16th of October. I encourage everyone to attend the AGM to have your say on the direction of the band in 2023.

NSWS Band Manager