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Tomorrow’s Rehearsal (3rd April)

Good afternoon team,

Our major concert ‘Songs of Light and Darkness’ on June 4th is only 7 rehearsals + 1 dress rehearsal away.

Rehearsal time: In order to kick things up a gear we are requesting that all players are ready to commence rehearsals at 4pm sharp. With this in mind please arrive with enough time tomorrow for you to set up and warm up so Andrew can commence rehearsals at 4pm. The mighty Flute + Bassoon section are on break duty tomorrow.

Recruitment: We are looking for some additional trumpets and percussion players to join us for this performance. If you have any leads please send them my way to discuss and bring them along to our next rehearsal.

Dates I’ve attached our calendar again below. Please make particular note of our rehearsal day upcoming on Saturday May 7th (11-4pm), our dress rehearsal on Thursday June 2nd and of course the performance itself on Saturday June 4th (4-10pm). Sam will be handing out hard copies of this schedule tomorrow too.

Photography call out: We are currently on the hunt for someone who would be willing to volunteer to photograph the concert. If you have a parent, partner or mate who would be open to helping people send me a message.

Upcoming Band Fee’s: Band fee’s will be sent out in April, they will be $100 per player. Just sharing this as an FYI so there are no surprises. If you have any concerns about paying please contact our Treasurer (Louise Wilson, [email protected]).



NSWS Band Manager